Jake Kerby

Prospective Students

I am currently accepting both Masters and Doctoral students. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in working in my lab.

In general, I am interested in motivated students who want to address ecological issues while also advancing scientific theory. I am open to research on a variety of ecological topics so long as I have the expertise to advise them. Being a new professor, I currently have no graduate students, but I hope to quickly establish active lab group composed of both graduate and undergraduate students.

Check my Research Interests for more information about what I do, and please do not hesitate to email me as well. The Graduate Program in the Biology department is very active, and there are several other professors that overlap well with my research interests therefore broadening my students overall experience. All students are offered funding (either via a Teaching or Research Assistantship) upon acceptance to the program.

Check the Graduate Program website for details on requirements for admission and other details.